COVID Safety Remainder of School Year
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the final weeks of our 2020-21 school year I want to say thank you for your trust in our programming at Re-Education Services. Our students and staff are to be commended on giving their all during these challenging times. Although we have come a long way in keeping the COVID number of cases down we will continue to follow those same guidelines until the end of the school year as ALL Ohio schools have chosen to do.
The following communications were shared with Ohio educational personnel in the past few days:
5/15: Governor DeWine sent the following email to Superintendents to clarify that the 5/14 vaccinated persons guidance does not apply to schools as a majority of students are still unvaccinated.
Message from Governor Mike DeWine:
Dear Education Leader,
Thank you for your hard work this year to provide safe and healthy in-person educational opportunities to Ohio’s students. As you may have seen, the Centers for Disease Control recently revised their recommendations around mask guidance for individuals who are fully vaccinated. While Ohio will be amending its health orders to comply with this new CDC guidance, in order to maintain consistency and model safe behavior for Ohio’s students, these changes do not affect the existing order requiring the use of facial coverings and other health protocols in our schools. With limited numbers of students vaccinated, it is important that we continue these safety measures through the end of the current school year. I appreciate the efforts that you have undertaken locally to protect students and I look forward to continuing to work together for Ohio’s kids.
5/15: The CDC updated their 5/13 guidance to state the following:
CDC recommends schools continue to use the COVID-19 prevention strategies outlined in the current version of CDC’s Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools for at least the remainder of the 2020-2021 academic school year.
We will continue to follow communications from the CDC and our Governor during the summer months and we will follow up on how best to proceed in our opening for the upcoming 2021-22 school year.
Again, thank you for your understanding and continued support of Re-Education Services.
Fredrick A. Frisco
School Re-Opening Plans
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you and your family are doing well during these challenging times. On behalf of the Administration and staff at Re-Education Services, I want you to know that we are thinking of you all and look forward to our return. We understand the vital role that our school plays in the lives of our students and families and the critical importance of returning students to the classroom.
We at Re-Education Services understand the importance for your student to attend classes in person. We feel that the unique needs of each of our students are best addressed in our school setting. Re-Education Services continues to offer small class sizes, individualized instruction, limited transitions, limited common area usage and eye to eye supervision. We will continue to emphasize the importance of good hygiene and encourage even more frequent hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing and protective mask wearing.
We will re-open in-person instruction for students on September 2, 2020. Our plan is to return to our normal school schedule (M-F 7:50am-2:15pm). In preparation for opening we have been researching and developing best practices by taking in consideration the health and safety of our students and staff. We continue to follow CDC guidelines along with our local health department and ODE (Ohio Department of Education) recommendations.
We have created a detailed plan for our re-opening which can be reviewed here: “Strategies for a Safe and Responsible Return”
Should directives be given by local officials for closures, our teachers and staff will call you directly and options will be offered for remote distance learning.
If you have questions, please contact your child’s teacher directly or one of our building Administrators.
Mentor Campus: 440-257-3131
Bedford Campus: 440-232-9005
We look forward to welcoming back all of students and staff.
Fredrick A. Frisco
Letter to Families
Given these uncertain times, Re-Education Services want you to know that the building supervisors/counselors and Ms. Tracey will be available to answer questions throughout the time that we are away from school. The best way to communicate with us is through email.
Stacey Johnson Mentor-Building Supervisor/school therapist-
Tracey Grasgreen- Family and Community Liaison –
Angela Colvin –Bedford Building Supervisor-
We also understand that in these stressful times, some students may desire face to face communications to help them work through issues that may arise. We can accommodate this through zoom meetings. If a student or parent desires a zoom meeting with one of us, please reach out in an email so we can accommodate this need.
For emergency purposes see contacts below:
Text: Crisis Text Line- text –4hope to 741741
Tweet The lifeline: Twitter – @800273Talk
General coping strategies and tips to reduce stress.
When things feel uncertain or don’t feel safe, it’s normal to feel stressed. Right now many of us are worried about COVID-19, or also known as “Coronavirus,” but there are helpful strategies to use to prevent further stress. It’s important to note that we are not helpless in light of current news events. We can always choose our response. If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty:
- Separate what is in your control and what is not! Wash your hands, remind others to do the same, cover your mouth with your elbow/arm when coughing and/or sneezing, take your vitamins, limit your consumption of social media and the news.
- Do what helps you feel a sense of safety! Not everyone prioritizes things the same – for example people’s importance to socialize or not to socialize during this time.
- Get outside in nature! The sun’s source of vitamin D is good for the body, as well as physical exercise/activities in itself!
- Challenge yourself to stay in the present! Easier said than done, try not to focus too much on what will happen. Bring yourself into the present and focus on what is happening (or not happening) right now. Engage in mindfulness activities.
- Stay connected and reach out if you need support! Talk to trusted friends or family members about what you are feeling. It’s more than okay to talk about your feelings and any concerns you may have!
Anxiety with Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Helpful tips:
- Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage
- Connect through calls/text/internet
- Add extra time for daily stress relief
- Practice self-care
- Focus on your mental health
For Kids:
* Reassure them that
they’re safe
* Let them talk about their worries
* Share your own coping skills
* Limit their news exposure
* Create a routine and structure
* Keep in contact with
your loved ones via social media, texts, phone calls
* Create a daily self-care routine
* Keep yourself busy: games, books, movies
* Focus on new relaxation techniques
This link “Mental Health Tips for Quarantine” provides additional ideas to help with mental health strategies for caregivers as well as students during the quarantine.
Lake County residents can also find help through the Lake County United Way. Click here to reach their website: Lake County United Way
Letter from Mr. Fred Frisco
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On behalf of the Administration and staff at Re-Education Services I wanted to reach out to you in these challenging times to tell you “WE” are here for you and your family. Please feel free to reach out and leave a voice message if you have questions or concerns and someone will get back to you. Mentor Campus 440-257-3131 or Bedford Campus 440-232-9055.
We have been following the developments in the COVID-19 crisis in the State of Ohio. In response to the latest directive from Governor Mike DeWine advising against gatherings of 100 individuals or more in an indoor environment due to the increasing spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.
UPDATE: The Governor’s Shelter in Place (Stay Home) order, which became effective at midnight on March 23, 2020, extends through 11:59pm May 1, 2020.
Re-Education Services will be closed through at least May 1, 2020. We ask that you spend time explaining the seriousness of “social distancing” and help your child understand that these challenges will pass with time.
Re-Education Services will contact families if this closure is extended past the May 1, 2020 time frame.
Please be assured that our teachers and staff continue to coordinate our remote learning plans. Your child’s teacher should have reached out to you already and educational planning has been implemented. Again, if you have questions please contact your child’s teacher or one of our building Administrators.
We will continue to keep you posted as we follow the Governor’s directives.
Best to you and your families!
Fredrick A. Frisco
Re-Education Services
Letter to Parents/Guardians
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Given these uncertain times, Re-Education Services wants you to know that we are here for you and will be available to answer questions throughout the time that we are away from school. The best way to communicate with us is through email.
Stacey Johnson-Building Supervisor/school therapist – Mentor –
Angie Colvin – Building Supervisor – Bedford –
Tracey Grasgreen- Family and Community Liaison –
General coping strategies and tips to reduce stress.
When things feel uncertain or don’t feel safe, it’s normal to feel stressed. Right now many of us are worried about COVID-19, or also known as “Coronavirus,” but there are helpful strategies to use to prevent further stress. It’s important to note that we are not helpless in light of current news events. We always choose our response. If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty:
- Separate what is in your control and what is not! Wash your hands, remind others to do the same, cover your mouth with your elbow/arm when coughing and/or sneezing, take your vitamins, limit your consumption of social media and the news.
- Do what helps you feel a sense of safety! Not everyone prioritizes things the same – for example people’s importance to socialize or not to socialize during this time.
- Get outside in nature! The sun’s source of vitamin D is good for the body, as well as physical exercise/activities in itself!
- Challenge yourself to stay in the present! Easier said than done, try not to focus too much on what will happen. Bring yourself into the present and focus on what is happening (or not happening) right now. Engage in mindfulness activities.
- Stay connected and reach out if you need support! Talk to trusted friends or family members about what you are feeling. It’s more than okay to talk about your feelings and any concerns you may have!
Anxiety with Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Helpful tips:
- Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage
- Connect through calls/text/internet
- Add extra time for daily stress relief
- Practice self-care
- Focus on your mental health
For Kids:
* Reassure them that they’re safe
* Let them talk about their worries
* Share your own coping skills
* Limit their news exposure
* Create a routine and structure
For quarantine/isolation:
* Keep in contact with your loved ones via social media, texts, phone calls
* Create a daily self-care routine
* Keep yourself busy: games, books, movies
* Focus on new relaxation techniques
Remember – We will get through this. Right now we just need to support and take care of one another!
Coronavirus Disease
The Coronavirus known as COVID-19, has made it into Northeastern Ohio. We are aware of the concern that many of you have right now regarding its impact in our country and in our own community. We receive daily updates from the Lake County General Health District and we continue to stay informed about the virus through them and the Center for Disease Control.
There are steps that we can take to be proactive in regard to the health and wellness in our school and in our community. Attached is the link to the Ohio Department of Health which provides the latest information regarding COVID-19. Ohio Department of Health
With the concerns of contamination, we have increased our disinfecting of the common areas of the building. This includes bathrooms, sinks, drinking fountains, offices, meeting rooms, etc. We also clean regularly classroom surfaces such as doors, desks, and chairs. We are continually evaluating our process to help contain the spread of germs. We have also increased cleaning of our school vans.
You can also help by reinforcing the importance of proper hand-washing as we will do with all our students. In addition, keeping your children home when they are sick also will help contain the spread of not only COVID-19 but many other viral diseases such as the flu. Keep your child home if they have a fever. In order to return to school, they must be fever free without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen for 24 hours.
Providing a safe and healthy learning environment is a priority to us at Re-Education Services and we will continue to stay on top of the information regarding COVID-19 and how it impacts the health and wellness of our school.
Below are additional links that can also be found on the CDC website: