Back to School Supplies

School is quickly approaching and it’s time to think about those school supplies! If you need help with school supplies the Salvation Army in Painesville is offering to help out with free school supplies to those in need. Check out the info on the flyer.

School Mask Policy Change

February 28, 2022

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians,

I wanted to reach out and inform you of the “NEW” COVID procedures update for mask requirements.

On Friday, February 25, 2022, The CDC announced that School districts in areas where COVID risk is low or medium may now drop masks both indoors and on transportation. The CDC will now only recommend universal school masking in communities at the high level. Effective March 1, 2022, Re-Education Services will NOT require students, staff, or visitors to wear masks. We will continue to maintain social distancing practices and follow COVID protocols. Should the community level rise to a “HIGH” level we will reinstate the mask mandate.

We would also ask that you continue to monitor your child for any health or illness concerns and communicate any concerns with our building supervisors. If your child is ill, please keep them home. Our illness policy remains that students must be fever-free and symptom-free for 48 hours before returning to school.

We appreciate your support and understanding during these challenging times.


Fredrick A. Frisco


Re-Education COVID Guidelines

Dear Parent/Guardian: 

The Lake and Geauga County Public Health Departments issued an updated school guidance document related to isolation and quarantine as applied to close contacts and positive cases.  This guidance (link below) is aligned with the CDC guidance and adjusts the isolation and quarantine periods for those individuals.

Updated School Guidance

Below is an excerpt from the document detailing quarantine/isolation protocols.

Recommendations to Quarantine/Isolate

Isolation Protocol (Symptomatic or a positive test)
If a student is experiencing symptoms that could be due to a COVID‐19 infection, the student
should stay home from school and seek medical attention for possible COVID‐19 testing and
directions for care.

If a student has tested positive for COVID-19 and is having symptoms, they should stay
isolated from others for 5 days following onset of symptoms. After the 5th day, if the student
is symptom free and/or improving, the student could return to school and normal activities as
long as they continue to wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days.

If a student has no symptoms but has tested positive for COVID-19, they should isolate
themselves from others for 5 days from the date of the positive test. After the 5th day, the
student could return to school and normal activities as long as they continue to wear a mask
around others for an additional 5 days.

If a student, who is asymptomatic AND has not been a close contact, tests positive with an at
home rapid test that does not come with a tele‐health visit, we recommend reaching out to your
doctor or other test providers to get an additional test prior to returning to school.

Quarantine Protocol (Exposure)
If a student is notified that they have been in close contact with a person who tested positive for
COVID‐19 virus, they can continue to attend school if they are closely monitoring for symptoms
and convert to isolation protocol if they start to experience any symptoms and are vigilant about
mask wearing for the 10 days following exposure.

If the student or parent feels the mask wearing cannot be done reliably, then they
should remain at home.

Re-Education Services will apply the new isolation and quarantine guidance effective immediately to all close contact and positive cases involving students and staff members.   The guidance will be for all staff and students regardless of their county of residence. We will continue to closely monitor staffing levels in both buildings and anticipate that staffing levels will be appropriate for safely conducting in-person instruction.


Fredrick A. Frisco


Fall Open House

Re-Education Services will be hosting an Open House at both locations (Mentor and Bedford) on November 5th from 1:30-3:00. Families are invited to bring their students in to meet their teachers and enjoy some treats!

COVID Update & Masking

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians, 

I wanted to reach out and inform you on our COVID procedures update. 

Due to the increase in the number of recorded COVID cases throughout our communities we’ve decided to return to full day mask wearing.  In order to maintain a safe environment ALL students and staff will be required to wear a face mask on all transportation and throughout the school day.  Students will be given mask breaks throughout their day both indoors and outdoors.  We will also continue to maintain social distancing practices and follow COVID protocols.  With these procedures in place the need to quarantine individuals will be reduced or eliminated should there be a confirmed COVID exposure. 

We would also ask that you continue to monitor your child for any health or illness concerns and communicate any concerns with our building supervisors. If your child is ill please keep them home. Our illness policy remains that students must be fever free and symptom free for 48 hours prior to returning to school. 

We appreciate your support and understanding during these challenging times. 


Fredrick A. Frisco 


COVID Safety for 21-22 School Year

The administration and staff would like to welcome you back to Re-Education Services for the 21-22 school year. We are looking forward to a safe and productive school year. We are all so proud of how well our students handled themselves last year in such challenging times.

This year we will continue to follow many of the same COVID procedures to maintain a safe environment. ALL students and staff will be required to wear a face mask on transportation and when entering the school building. Once in their classrooms students WILL be permitted to remove face coverings if following social distancing procedures. Masks will be required to be worn when moving around the building and when departing.

We would also ask that you continue to monitor your child for any health or illness concerns and communicate any concerns with our building supervisors. If your child is ill please keep them home. Our illness policy remains that students must be fever free and symptom free for 48 hours prior to returning to school.

We appreciate your support and understanding and are looking forward to the new school year!

May - Coming Down the Home Stretch!

As the school year winds down, the students will have opportunities to participate in Intramurals on the field outside along with a school-wide trip to the zoo and field day on the last day of school. Classrooms have additional activities for the students to enjoy as we celebrate the closing of a great school year!

Upcoming Events – May

May 10 – 1/2 Day 11:15 Dismissal

May 27 – Memorial Day – No School

May 29 – School Zoo Trip

May 30 – Student’s Last Day – 11:15 Dismissal


NCCC Supports Autism

NCCC was developed and created as an opportunity to provide resources, training, and employment for lifelong learners embracing Autism.

The NCCC original concept, building design, and marketing have been a collaboration by students from local schools.   The students of Re-Education benefit and learn weekly at NCCC.  To help support our students and the NCCC program go to and make your popcorn purchase today!