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We Never Want to Grow Up!

The Musical Theater Production, specifically Kids Love Musical (KLM) out of Cleveland, worked with Ms Beth our music therapist to adapt and modify “Peter Pan” for students with disabilities.  Students from the Re-Ed Bedford and Mentor campuses practiced for several weeks on speaking parts, songs and acting and shared their talents with students and families at both the Mentor and Bedford campuses. Nice job everyone!

September - Getting things rolling!

As we move into our first full month of school, things are getting rolling! We have intramurals with Ms Nea Nea getting started, classroom trips beginning and vocational activities getting underway. The momentum will build as we move through the month.

Upcoming Events – September

Sept 2 – Labor Day – No School

Sept 20 – 1/2 Day – 11:15 Dismissal

NCCC Supports Autism

NCCC was developed and created as an opportunity to provide resources, training, and employment for lifelong learners embracing Autism.

The NCCC original concept, building design, and marketing have been a collaboration by students from local schools.   The students of Re-Education benefit and learn weekly at NCCC.  To help support our students and the NCCC program go to www.northcoastcorn.com and make your popcorn purchase today!