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Thank You Supporters of The Re-Ed 2013 Run for Autism

Our Annual Run for Autism was another great success.  A special thank you to Mary Noga for organizing the event and to all the Re-Ed staff, friends and families that took time to come out and help volunteer.

With money raised from the 2012 event we were able to purchase 8 Ipads and cases for our students.  Please keep us in mind for next years race.  We will be looking for corporate sponsors soon.  If you know of a company or would like to be a sponsor please contact us at 440-257-3131.


May - Coming Down the Home Stretch!

As the school year winds down, the students will have opportunities to participate in Intramurals on the field outside along with a school-wide trip to the zoo and field day on the last day of school. Classrooms have additional activities for the students to enjoy as we celebrate the closing of a great school year!

Upcoming Events – May

May 10 – 1/2 Day 11:15 Dismissal

May 27 – Memorial Day – No School

May 29 – School Zoo Trip

May 30 – Student’s Last Day – 11:15 Dismissal


NCCC Supports Autism

NCCC was developed and created as an opportunity to provide resources, training, and employment for lifelong learners embracing Autism.

The NCCC original concept, building design, and marketing have been a collaboration by students from local schools.   The students of Re-Education benefit and learn weekly at NCCC.  To help support our students and the NCCC program go to www.northcoastcorn.com and make your popcorn purchase today!